2016 Performance Mix Festival
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New Dance Alliance Presents

30th Anniversary of the Performance Mix Festival
June 6-11, 2016
Abrons Arts Center, 466 Grand St. (at Pitt St.)
F, J, M, Z trains to Delancey/Essex, B, D trains to Grand St.
New Dance Alliance is pleased to announce the lineup for the 30th annual Performance Mix Festival, June 6-11, 2016. “The most elaborate festival of the unpredictable” (The New York Times), the 2016 festival will feature performances by 40 innovative artists in 13 distinct events over six days. Representing highlights from the past three decades of performance, the eclectic program includes experimental dance, improvisation, performance art, theater, new music, and interdisciplinary works, as well as Performance Mix’s annual community breakfast, artist talks, and surprises.
For three decades the Performance Mix Festival has provided a unique platform for experimentation and creative risk-taking by both emerging and established artists. For this special season Performance Mix founder and curator Karen Bernard brings the festival back to its first venue, Henry Street Settlement, where it all started in 1986.
Tickets range from free to $20, and can be purchased online at www.abronsartscenter.org or by calling 212-352-3101.
Performance Mix Festival Facebook event
Day 1: Monday, June 6
Experimental Theater 7:00 PM
Tickets: $20
Like a Nova star: three totally different trajectories—each exploding brilliantly away from the postmodern center.
Underground Theater 8:00 PM
Tickets: $20
It’s time for RECESS: recharge your batteries and combat the symptoms of neoliberal fatigue!
Opening Reception
Day 2: Tuesday, June 7
Experimental Theater 7:00 PM
Tickets: $20
Path breakers create ever-evolving worlds of performance.
Underground Theater 8:00 PM
Tickets: $20
It’s time for RECESS: recharge your batteries and combat the symptoms of neoliberal fatigue!
Day 3: Wednesday, June 8
Miriam Ginestier, Curator
An evening of wild feminist performance and video by artists from New York City and Montreal. The event is guest curated by Miriam Ginestier, artistic director of Studio 303 – an organization that hosted an artist exchange with Performance Mix for over 10 years. Each program features Studio 303-associated artists, most of whom have been presented in the context of 303’s late Edgy Women Festival. Edgy is dead! Long Live Edgy!
EDGY NYC: Experimental Theater 7:00 PM
Tickets $20
EDGY MTL: Underground Theater 8:00 PM
Free Admission
Day 4: Thursday, June 9
Free Event: Reservations—newdancealliance@gmail.com
Bagels, art, politics, conversation, and a performance. Abrons Gallery 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
A festival tradition, observe and/or converse with “edgy” artists on how Canadian and American economic/political contexts influence creative practices and production, as you assess who makes the best bagel: Montreal or New York? Plus a special work-in-progress presentation by Montreal-based artists Dany Desjardins (contemporary dance) and Andreane Leclerc (experimental circus). This event is hosted by the Quebec Cultural Services in New York.
Experimental Theater 7:00 PM
Tickets $20
Connecting the lines: dynamic forms
Underground Theater 8:00 PM
Free Admission
A tale that should be told: Kitty and Daniel Daly of St. Mary’s Bay Newfoundland, had 12 children, six of whom were VERY tall and six of whom had achondroplasia, or dwarfism.
Underground Theater 8:30 PM
Tickets: $20
Typography, images, landscape, heightened drama
Day 5: Friday, June 10
Experimental Theater 7:00 PM
Tickets: $20
Three artists… three fantastical/fanciful perspectives on performance.
Underground Theater 8:00 PM
Free Admission
A tale that should be told: Kitty and Daniel Daly of St. Mary’s Bay Newfoundland, had 12 children, six of whom were VERY tall and six of whom had achondroplasia, or dwarfism.
Underground Theater 8:30 PM
Tickets: $20
Typography, images, landscape, heightened drama.
Day 6: Saturday, June 11
Tickets: $20
Does improvisation really exist? How much is scored, how much planned, and how much just set free?
Come jamming! Everyone is invited to join and jam!
Closing Reception
Closing Night Party: A multidisciplinary jam celebrating the conclusion of the 2016 festival. Food, drinks, and dancing! Everyone is welcome!