Andrea Haenggi and spontaneous urban plants
Andrea Haenggi, photo by Ian Douglas
Teaching a Human the Urban Weeds Alphabet. A two-hour choreographic interspecies dance practice. Andrea Haenggi’s attempt to communicate with plants is not about trying to find the ways that urban feral plants are like humans, but rather about trying to cultivate weedy vegetal being in ourselves. To be sensual, be scratchy, be persistent and Show Up.
Andrea Haenggi (CH/USA) is a Brooklyn-based artist, choreographer, dancer, educator, embodied scientist and EPA agent. Haenggi is known for mixing disciplines and modes of making. In the last few years, she has been in search for another kind of theater, anEthnochoreobotanography to explore notions of colonialism, feminism, ecology, migration, labor, and care for a world beyond humans. Spontaneous urban weeds are her mentors, collaborators, and performers. Haenggi’s works have been presented in numerous theaters, galleries, and public spaces around the world, including the Queens Museum, Dance Theater Workshop, and MASS MoCA, all in North America, and the Society for Performing Arts in Lagos, Nigeria. As an educator, she is on the faculty of the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies in New York. Haenggi holds an MFA in Creative Practice from Transart Institute/Plymouth University UK and is a Swiss Canton Solothurn Dance Prize 2008 recipient. She is the co-founder of the artist collective Environmental Performance Agency ( To find more about her work go to