Blaze Ferrer

Blaze Ferrer, photo by Ian Douglas

Blaze Ferrer is an interdisciplinary performer and choreographer interested in the mainstreaming of queerness within the American capitalist hegemony. Blaze makes experiences that express the vibrancy and limits of embodiment through post-Judson choreographic scores and the incorporation of consumerist cultural iconography. As a lead artist, Blaze has made work for The Brick Theater, Movement Research@Judson Church, Sundays on Broadway, danceh0l0, AUNTS, Brooklyn Arts Exchange (NEEDING IT), chashama, HERE Arts Center, Dixon Place, and various DIY events. Blaze has performed for and helped generate pieces with Jeff Aaron Bryant, The Drunkard’s Wife, Radiohole, Ursula Eagly, Londs Reuter, Ilan Bachrach & Robert M. Johanson, minor theater, Sophie Weisskoff, Ben Ferber, The Pack and Built For Collapse.

Diamond Desert Cuck is a dance that proposes sandbox-like scores to create queer dream worlds amidst a garbage dump-like contemporary moment. Inspired by porpentine’s Crystal Warrior Ke$ha, DDC attempts to reclaim futurity while rigorously embracing an electro-pop fatalism.